Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Is Your Stole a Yoke?

Riding for Ride Solar
Did you ever have one of those weeks when you came across something repeatedly but in different formats? That happened to me lately with the word 'yoke'. First, I had the pleasure of attending a benefit ride that my son and his college roommate were in to raise funds for solar panels to be installed in a village in Haiti. The event was an hour from campus so it was a treat to have the time to get caught up while in the car taking the boys back to school. I don't know how we got talking about it, but my son started explaining Carrot Top Studio to his roommate. The roommate is a fine man of God who worships faithfully but in a setting where the ministry leaders do not wear stoles. So I added that those in ministry wear stoles as a symbol of leadership and the yoke of Christ that is taken on at ordination. This points back to the scripture:

Come unto me,
all ye that labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;
for I am meek and lowly in heart: 
and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
Matthew 11: 28-30

And this fine young man quickly wondered, "then why don't they just wear yokes?" We all got a chuckle out of this as we individually conjured up Far Side cartoon images of pastors wearing the type of yoke that an animal does.
Find this on eBay this week!

Then, my yogi, before last week's practice, was sharing that the word yoga derives from sanskrit which literally means yoking or he yokes. This is akin to the Latin word jungere to join. There it is join. Leaders in worship have joined in by saying that they will be slaves to Christ. In this thought string it is also interesting to note that the stole is reportedly the work-cloth that slaves wore around their necks.

Lastly, a recent devotional reading referenced Matthew 11:28. In the inspirational commentary the author told of seeing a farmer and his yoked oxen walking together....harmoniously. This was likened to God fitting us with a yoke equal only to our tasks and that he will always be walking alongside us.

When you go to 'stole up' for your next worship service maybe you will pause and think about why you wear the stole. In the studio as we design, stitch and ship we will be praying for you as you have answered the call to wear the yoke.

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