Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Book Review

When I picked up The Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt book at the library the intention was to read it just for pleasure because my sewing roots are founded in a love of quilting. This book is collaboration of the letters submitted to The Farmer's Wife magazine in 1922 when it requested their readers help. The publishers were looking for the answer to the question, "If you had a daughter of marriageable age, would you, in light of your own experience, have her marry a farmer?" The magazine was sent 7000 responses and this book archives the best answers. 

What surprised and captivated my reading was how many of the letters made references to God, faith, and church. From awe for creation, to being in co-labor with God, to drawing closer to God through nature, to following God's plan these women had no question that they were living the best lifestyle possible. My family's table blessings before dinner often include thankfulness for the farmers that have provided our food. We recognize their hard work. After reading through these letters I have new appreciation for the attitude and gratitude for those that aspire to and choose to work the land.

If you are a quilter the bonus of this book are the patterns that are included of traditional quilt blocks from the 1920's. A CD provides templates and easy to follow instructions.  This book is published by Krause and the ISBN is 0896898288.

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