Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Draw the Children In

Carrot Top Studio uses visuals to make a connection to the Word in worship. Our typical artist endeavors include ministry stoles and the occasional worship banner. Certainly we also appreciate all the other visuals that can be aids in worship. This past week I worshiped behind a family with two young children.The children were obviously used to the rhythm and routine of the liturgy. Helping this happen were the patient parents who answered their whispered questions, the surrounding worshipers who didn't grimace each time the little ones squirmed, and the unique worship bulletin. I think it's important not to dumb down to children but instead meet them where they are at. I think this worship bulletin does that. It follows the order that the "regular" bulletin does but is in large print, has spaces for responses to help keep their attention, and includes visual cues for pre- and early readers. I know it takes extra effort for the church staff to produce this each week. I applaud the determination of those involved to do whatever we can as "the church" to help the younger set feel included. This is an energy well spent to help create the next generation of active worshipers! Ok...I'm getting off my soapbox now (grin). What does this children's edition look like? Here are a few pages from last week...

*click on images to enlarge*



We believe sharing is caring so we'd like to say thanks to the hard working staff at Westminster Presbyterian for letting us share the images in this post.

Speaking of Children's Ministry...insiders secret....we're adding a new Easter stole to the Children's Ministry collection by week's end! 

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