Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Summer Reading

We're ready to soak up the sunshine, take in the scents of the garden and relax with some interesting reading this summer. Here's what's stacked up for us:

  • Go Like Hell by A.J. Baime was recommended after we moved to Detroit for a job my husband took that was connected with the auto industry. It's been three years since that move. It's time to read this book that features the tale of the Ford company and other visionaries of the industry.
  • I Will Always Write Back by Martin Ganda and Caitlin Alifirenka was recommended to me by my mother. She has enjoyed reading this at the same time her granddaughters have. I appreciate being up on what the younger set is enjoying and this title looks like it will be inspirational and give me something to converse with my nieces about. 
  • Light When It Comes: Trusting Joy, Facing Darkness and Seeing God in Everything by Chris Anderson I suspect will help me focus on small moments instead of getting swallowed up by the big picture. 
  • Wake Early by Mary Oliver is my chosen book of poetry for the summer. I don't naturally gravitate toward poetry but I keep trying at it. This is already proving to be an agreeable choice.
  • Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life by Tish Harrison Warren was been started on a recent plane trip and I found that I was sad when the plane landed as I wanted to keep reading! I surmise this will be a nice compliment to Light When It Comes.
  • Treasures Old and New: Images in the Lectionary by Gail Ramshaw was recommended to me by a client. Proof that I can continue to say I have the best clients! This lovely pastor saw the book on her shelf and thought of Carrot Top Studio! She wrote that -- This wonderful fat book by a liturgical scholar goes through biblical imagery and explores it both in Christian history and in present resonances (e.g., Family, Fire, Fish, Food....).    There are psalms, prayers, hymns, historical writings, along with her own musings.
  • The Violet Bakery Cookbook by Claire Ptak uses simple ingredients, whole grain flours and less refined sugars and looks like it will feed (pun intended) my creative side in the kitchen! 
What's on your summer book shelf? I'll meet you on the other side of the season to compare notes!

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