Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Children and Worship

The gospel is for all persons, regardless of age. The church includes persons of all ages. Worship is a corporate action in which children can be participants with adults. It is through such shared experiences that a child comes to know some things about God. Here are a few of our favorite tips regarding children and worship:

For parents:
It is hard to sit still for long. God knows this and so do we.
Growing up isn’t always easy, but it is well worth the effort.

For the congregation:
Greet the children around you.
Pass the children the offering plate, rather than over their head.
When children give visible worship leadership, respond to them as worship leaders—not as performers!
Always laugh with children, not at them.
Invite a family with children to sit with you.
Be understanding when parents need to take younger children out and then return to worship.
Remember the promise we make at the baptism of the children among us!

For the leadership:
In Children in the Worshiping Community by David Ng and Virginia Thomas it is suggested to read aloud Romans, chapter 12 with a group of children. Are these children not members of the body of Christ, with differing gifts? Can they not show faith and serve and teach and show mercy? Children can love, show honor, be aglow with the Spirit, rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation and constant in prayer. The church would not be whole without children.

Children like adults respond to visual stimulation. Think about the vestments, paraments, banners, and bulletin covers your congregation uses. Are the symbols and colors relevant to support the worship? Do they change often enough so the congregation will continue to take notice?

Celebrate, embrace and learn from the children in your midst! Jesus welcomed them, so can we.