Creative and Christian: Biblical Principles by Leen La Riviere can be read all at once, used as a devotional or a small group Bible study.
Water, Wind, Earth and Fire by Christine Valters Painter. A book of meditations, prayer, and readings all connected to nature and centered on St. Francis of Assisi's "The Canticle of the Creatures."
Art That Tells the Story by Christopher Brewer. Based on the Bible this just off the press title interlaces images, text, scripture, reflection and cultural artifacts.
So my "shopping" will hopefully help me strengthen my soul and deepen my heart for my passion and acknowledgement of the importance of the connection with art and faith. What books or visuals are widening your mind this season?
....BTW I'm not always serious....just for the fun of it, I'm also getting caught up on my Harry Potter so I can see the last movie while it's on the big screen!