Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I Am....

My first born is 17 (and a half!). He is manly and wise in many ways yet is floundering with the many choices and opportunities he has upon him as he approaches his senior year in high school. We're thankful for the time we have this summer to explore his spiritual gifts, what motivates him, and prayerfully seek insight as to how to magnify these things through education and a career after high school graduation. It struck me today how appropriate this type of acitivty is for many of us during the church's Oridnary Time. During this time between special liturgical seasons we are called to look for God in all the moments of our lives. A fun exercise for anyone to do is to quickly write ten "I am...." statements about yourself (whatever comes quickly to your mind) then share them with someone. Do the statements reflect your gifts and motivators? Can you see God in them? How can you grow in these areas? How can you make these parts of your life more linked to your life with God?

Speaking of I am statementes, I've been trying to Twitter for Carrot Top Studio to connect with more pastors and ministry leaders. It's struck me that Twitter could be called a social network of "I am...." statements. I am doing this...., I am not enjoying this...., I am connected to this...., etc. I have yet to decide of Twitter is a good thing or not, but if you want to follow us you can do it here.

Lastly, I'm thankful we don't have to decide whether the "I am..." statements of Jesus Christ are good, bad, or worth following. I draw comfort in knowing that Jesus is the bread of life, the light of the world, the true vine and so much more!

The "I am" stole pictured here can be found at Carrot Top Studio on this page. I think I need stop bloggins so I can go find my son and get him to make his list of "I am's"....I'm sure he'll be delighted that Mom has conjured up one more actitivty to help him with his discernment!