Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Planning for New Banners

Today it was great fun to attend a meeting for a prospective banner commission. Beginning a new commission is always exciting...the ideas are brainstormed, the goals are set, and the creativity starts to churn as you try to meet the needs of the physical space in combination of integrating art that enhances but doesn't distract from worship. This meeting had some extra bright spots. First, I don't usually get to meet my clients face-to-face. Most work is done via email with an occassional phone call. Secondly, it was delightful to learn some of the history of this sanctuary. For example, the main stained glass window was actually taken from another church building that was no longer going to have a congregation and was installed when this sanctuary was built. I think this is a lovely symbol of the Church continuing--just in another location. Lastly, this group was particularly open to new ideas. Ideas were flying...long skinny banners instead of wide ones, flags with symbols telling the story of the church hung the length of the nave, painting of the walls (and ceiling!), and processing with the worship banners on the first Sunday that they were to be used. What is working for your worship space visually? What do you dream of adding to your worship space. Try this: take a photograph of your worship space and study it. Sometimes you'll see and think of things in a different observational mode with this technique. Dream, think, pray, plan, and search for those in your community that have the gifts to meet your needs!
The photo in this post is of a commission that took much prayer, planning, and time to execute so it would be ready for Advent 2007. And the commission all began with a vision of doing something a little different from whta had been done prior in this congregation!

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