Saturday, June 21, 2008

Three Rivers Arts Festival

For me, it's always good to be amongst artists. This year's trek to the Three Rivers Arts Festival in Pittsburgh, PA provided an interesting bit of installation art at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.

Trinity Episcopal is by itself a grand space that allows you to realize it is sacred. Artists Jeffrey Mongrain and Nicholas Kripal created several pieces that are a response to the site itself. "Our work involves creating ceramic pieces that respond to the history, congregation and architectural iconography of the church," Kripal says. Read more in the Post Gazette article here. If you're anywhere in the area Sunday is the last 7-1:30.

Pittsburgh, like many cities, has wonderful old churches that reflect the culture, history and faith of the community. If you can't get to Trinity Cathedral tomorrow, but are in Pittsburgh another time you might be interested in a Pittsburgh. Learn more about the Pious Pittsburgh tour here.

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